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New Year – New You.

2020 Happy New Year

When one year closes, the next opens with fresh perspective and a list New Year’s Resolutions. While we all create this list of ways to better ourselves with the best intentions, only 8% of us actually achieve our resolutions. And, statistically, the rest of us give up on our resolutions by January 12th! (Read some pretty funny New Year’s Resolutions fails Tweets here.)

Unrealistic expectations are a big reason resolutions failed. When asking around the GSM office, it seems that many agree with this, and that setting small more attainable goals would probably lead to a higher success rate.

Instead of resolutions, consider making a list of “20 in 2020” goals that you’d like to achieve. Here are a few ideas from the GSM staff’s 2020 goals:

  • Read one book per month
  • Find a new hiking spot to explore
  • Obtain scuba diving certification
  • Drink three glasses of water each work day
  • Avoid added sugar 2 days per week
  • Take 1 day off from social media each month
  • Have dinner with friends 1 day each month
  • Practice the simple act of kindness to a complete stranger at least once per month

What are some of your 2020 goals?

Thanks for putting us in contact with Eric. He is very knowledgeable , professional and I enjoyed our time together. We met yesterday morning and he is forwarding a report and budget proposal. With your firms Roofing help and additional home inspections regarding Stucco Moisture tests we have uncovered a $40K + problem we would have inherited. Now it’s the sellers problem. Negotiations continue. Have a good weekend.

Frank Polan Sr Operations Manager